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WELCOME TO vip-scdkey

provides high quality services for global gamers

About Us

In the 7 years since we started vip-scdkey.com — Vip-scdkey has been a professional and trustworthy platform where customers can purchase game codes and keys.Now the world's largest online marketplace for gaming keys and products.

On our online platform vip-scdkey.com ,you will find a wide variety of products in the areas of games, online games, game cards and Xbox. At vip-scdkey.com we mainly specialize in supplying CD keys, which allows us to offer the lowest prices, as well as instant delivery through our unique automated delivery system.We have over 7 years of experience and can pass it on to our customers.

It is not only a retailer but also a wholesaler of MMO toys. vip-scdkey is like a direct sales supermarket. In 2010, we officially launched a game portal to sell CD keys for Steam, Origin and Uplay platform games.

vip-scdkey - your faithful partner in the world of games and online games!

Quick Email Delivery

Estimate delivery time is 10-30 minutes, although most customers receive their codes in less than 10 minutes.The process is usually faster for returning customers.

Customer Verification

Allows us to prevent fraudulent transactions,protecting you and providing the best price possible


Welcome to vip-scdkey. If you need help, please contact customer service by clicking the live chat.

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